Well, now I think I've seen all the major monuments here in Paris. Yesterday we had actually planned to visit Louvre again, but since the weather was so nice, me and Liss decided to do something outside in stead. So we took the metro to the Arc de Triomphe, took some compulsory photos and then walked over to the Eiffel tower. Didn't climb up, though, since there were too many tourists. But at least I've seen it now :)
And isn't this just so parisian?
There happened to be a photoshooting near the Eiffel tower when we walked by, and I just couldn't resist taking a few photos too :P Just so... I don't know... like straight from a picture from a fashion magazine! :)After this, we walked some more, ate some icecream and then went windowshopping. Suddenly we noticed that it was already 8 o'clock and all the shops were closing. So we went home to Liss in stead and watched the movie Finding Neverland. And that was just soooo good! I loved it! ...and almost cried in the end... but only almost! *proud* :) Those of you who haven't seen it yet, go and watch it! It's worth it!
Usually I don't feel insecure when I walk through the city late in the evening, but I have to say that I'm very glad I don't live in those quarters where Liss lives. I have a feeling that's not the best part of this town. A lot noice all the time and lots of people just hanging around in the corners, watching everyone who walkes by. Gotta admit that I felt pretty relieved once I reached the metro.
Oh yeah, haven't told you about the opera yet either. Well, first of all, this was our view:
It was better than I thought it would be, actually. And in fact, I didn't mind so much. This opera was the first major opera by Mozart, so the plot was very, very simple and the whole spectacle was very slow too. Nothing much actually happened. The whole opera was a big cry of suffering and agony! But I was still very glad we went because it was worth it! And I think I would actually have been much more angry about the view if it had been a really good opera because then I would have missed a lot. Now I could just be very content and enjoy the athmosphere. Because it was very fancy. The big, golden room was actually closed because after the opera a lot of people went there to have supper so there were already lots of fine tables set for dinner. That would have een nice to experience too but I think that way over my budget here! :D
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