Yesterday it hit me that I actually have to study here! In french! Of course I should have thought about it before I came over here, and in a way I did, but perhaps not as closely as I ought to. Perhaps I thought it was just to read a lot of books and then go to an exam, because that I can do as long as I start in time. And I've also heard that the level of french education isn't even close to the finnish' level. So perhaps I thought it would be much easier here. Especially for an Erasmus-student who'd certainly get out of it a bit easier than the french students!
But what I haven't thought about was that I actually have to write essays in french! 8-10 pages in french! In good french! 10 pages is a lot for me even in swedish, because I'm just not good at writing stupid essays about a subject that it actually would be enough to write only one pages about, if even as much as that! Because that's what history is all about. Babbling total nonsense and saying the same things over and over again using synonymes. Cui bono?!?!? I think it would fitt its' purpose much better if you could just say that same thing only once in a clear and straight way. But no, that's impossible for historians, because it looks just sooo much better if you've written a lot of pages. That's why I definately don't wanna write my Pro Gradu in history. That's just not gonna happen. So once I'll finally get my Bachelors' degree, I'll quit.
So practically I'm just using the history department at the university to get a chance to go abroad. Because I actually don't need any of the studies I do here :D ...but don't tell anyone! *lol*
And then there's the problem with the credits. I have three points less than I should have to make Kela happy. But I really don't want to take more courses over here, I think it's going to be hard enough anyway. So does anyone know for sure that Kela actually looks at the credits for all the years I've studied instead of just one year at a time? Because if they do, I'm safe, but if they don't, I'll have to find those three missing points somewhere...
I by the way heard a frenchman with a "s-fault" when he spoke. That sounded very funny. He was almost like a Donald Duck or something *lol* He made my day, even though the course he was having was too hard for me (and Sophie). It was paleography but apparenty their "modern" paleography is like our medieval paleography. And the texts we read in Finland (from the 18th century), isn't even called paleography in France because those texts are just too easy to read anyway... Great... They were actually laughing at us when we told them this fact :)
Well, it's my free day today, so I think I'm going to do some shopping :) I saw this waistcoat in a shop yesterday and since I've a) wanted to have a garment like that for so many years already and b) it really looks very... parisian, I just have to buy it *lol* Who knows, maybe I'll find something else too?
C ya!
Nå alltså om du har nog med poäng t.ex. från förra eller föregående år så - c'est pas si grave - medeltalet räknas har jag förstått, d v s om du förra året fick typ 50sp e de väl ingen fara. O prestationerna kollas väl genom stickprov, eller nåt..
Mais c'est bon ça, alors :) då kan ja ju kanske unna mig själv lite slappande under våren :P Hurra! Tack Eliel!
Heisaa, tässä kai kolmas tai neljäs kieli blogiisi ;)
Mukavaa lukea kuulumisiasi! Linkitin blogisi omaani (sakajo.wordpress). Ei kai haittaa?
Noista opintopisteistä... Jos Kela huhuilee sulta opintopisteitä suhteessa nostettuihin opintotukikuukausiin viime vuoden ajalta, eikä sulla ole niitä tarpeeksi, niin voit pyytää Kelaa laskemaan koko opiskeluaikasi opintopisteet suhteessa saamiisii opintotukikuukausiin (niiden pitäisi tehdä tämä automaattisesti, jos yhden ja viime vuoden pisteitä ei ole tarpeeksi). Jos tällä suhteella pisteitä on tarpeeksi niin, sitten Kela karhuaa rahaa takaisin. Muutoin ei :)
Gud, skräms int med poäng å språkkunskaper - ja lever ännu lyckligt i villfarelsen att min skoltyska kommer att räcka lååångt...=D
Shopping understödes! En annan har blivit helt hopplös, Johanna skrattar varje gång jag kommer hem med en påse i handen. Vilket är typ varje dag. Kääk.
Sanna: kiitos infosta! Voin siis ottaa vähän iisisti täällä Pariisissa, opintopisteet kyllä riittää edellisiltä vuosilta :) Ja linkitä vaan mun blogi! Jee, nyt mäki pääsen lukemaan sun blogia!
Anna: de kanske sku löna sig att repetera lite tyska under sommaren men annars går de säkert bra :) Och angående shoppingen så sku ja säkert shoppa mycky mera om de int sku finnas nån gräns för hur mycket kappsäcken får väga på flyget. Ja, o så kostar de ju en hel del pengar också :D
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