In the evening a few of us went out to eat sushi. This was the first time ever I tasted that. But even thought it was pretty good, I have to admit that I prefer chinese food. I'm not such a big fan of fish and cold food, so... :) But it was definately worth trying!
When I took the metro to the sushi-place, I happened to travel on a metroline that was mostly on the ground and not underneath in the dark tunnels. And I just love metros like that! It's so beautiful when you suddently get out of the tunnel and see the city around you. There was espacially on place, not far from where I live, where the metro got up on the ground just before it crossed the river Saine. The sun was just setting in the horrizon and the panorama was like straingt from a moviesceen! I would have taken a photo if there had been time for it, but it all just went so fast that I only concentrated on looking around. But maybe next time!
Then today, I started my day by eating brunch at the university restaurant. Since the sun was shining and it wasn't too cold, we decided to chill out in the Jardin de Luxembourg for a while after that. You know, just walking around and enjoying the sunshine. There were actually a lot of people today, probably on a sundyawalk. Some of them were also sitting on a bench reading the morningpaper or a book. Very idyllic! And do you remember the snowy photo I took of that same parc last week? Well, just to make you a bit jealous, here's what the parc looked like today:

Afterwards we went to visit the cemetery of Père Lachaise. On this graveyard, there's a lot of famous people buried. The ones I was mostly interested in was Edit Piaf and Chopin. I've decided to buy a CD with Edit Piaf during my saty here in Paris. She's just so french and I actually like her songs very much. And Chopin... my favourite composer. I'm actually playing (or practising) a walz by Chopin on the piano at the moment. He's just... splendid! Especially his nocturnes...

The last picture has actually nothing to do with anything, I just loved the sight of a red rose on the ground and had to take a photo of that :)

Oj vad jag sku också vilja besöka de där platserna! Garnier-operan var säkert en upplevelse. Och Chopins grav. Jag visste faktiskt inte att han är begraven i Paris. Och hans nocturner är nog jättefina, jag lyssnade just i går på en från en CD och bestämde mig för att öva den igen, jag har inte nu spelat den på länge. Hur är det förresten med pianolektionerna, har du fått en redan?
Nina (fast det kanske du kunde gissa :)
Int visste ja heller att han va begravd här innan de van nån som berätta de för mig förra veckan. Så så klart måste ja ju vallfärda dit ;) Har faktikst int ännu haft någo pianolektioner men om allt går enligt planerna ska ja ha den första om två veckor. Jej! :)
Hoppas allt e bra i Hagalund!
Jag besökte samma gravar förra våren när jag var i Paris! (Först gick vi såklart igenom de andra begravningsplatserna med mamma innan vi hittade till Père Lachaise, och såg andra gravar. :))
Operan ser jättefin ut! Den skulle jag vilja besöka nästa gång jag far till Paris. :) (Vilket förhoppningsvis sker snart... Jag saknar Paris så otroligt mycket, det är kul att läsa din blogg och se vilka platser du besöker! Har du varit till Amélies café redan?)
Har faktiskt gått förbi Amèlies café men inte varit inne ännu. Men det blir nog också snart! :) Int kan man ju vara i Paris utan att dricka en kopp kaffe där! ...eller te... eller kakao :P
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