In Trier we had a reunion with Tobias and Mikael. Tobias has been studying in Germany this autumn and was now heading back to Finland by train through the eastern Europe. And Mikael came here to accompany him back home. It felt so nice to meet friends from Finland again and being able to talk and laugh without being forced to explain a lot of details all the time. I think the atmosphere was actually very relaxed... and joyful too! Especially for us who's been abroad. There were hundreds of things to discuss and compare. We were wandering about in the city, visiting all the compulsory sights and just had a good time together. Unfortunately the weather was lousy during the whole trip so most of the pictures I'm going to post here will look very grey and boring, but you can try to imagine a blue sky and sunshine in stead :) You should know that I took almost 200 pictures during this week, so it's only a fraction of them you see here on my blog!

Since the Easter is approaching, the fast is soon to begin (or has perhaps already begun?) here in the catholic part of Europe. And that means carnival times! We didn't see any carnivals during our trip, but all the shops, restaurants and cafés were decorated with streamers and balloons. And guess what happened to me? I got a really strong "Vappen-fiilis"! It was just like the 1st of May in Finland... And I'm so going to miss the 1st of May when I'm over here... Especially the part with the herring-breakfast (Geez, what a stupid word for sillis in english!) in the park of Kajsaniemi listening to the spring songs sung by Akademen *sigh* But Sophie promised she'll celebrate the 1st of May with me here. We're going to sit in a parc with our student's caps and streamers around our necks, having a picknick and drinking champagne. So maybe I'll survive without my favourite celebration in Finland... If someone wants to join us, please come! It would make it all even better! :)
Then I also found a CD with Chopin in Trier. It contains among others five of his nocturnes and also one impromptu. The sound isn't the best, though, but I should have guessed it since it's Arthur Rubinstein playing and therefor an old recordning. But I still like it :)
But back to Trier. Before the guys arrived, me and Sophie amused ourselves in the city museum of Trier. It was huge! (It seem like all the museum over here are huge... at least compared to the museums in Finland!) But although the history-part was interesting my favourites were the two fashion exhibitions.

Then there was also this Barbie-exhibition! It was so funny! Along with the Barbies from differents decades, there were also real dresses from that same time! Here's a showcase with Barbies from the 70s. Look at the clothes! Especially the silver coat that Ken is wearing! Splendid, isn't it? :D And the funniest thing was that both me and Sophie have also been playing with our mothers' old Barbie-dolls when we were little! So we were feeling very nostalgic over those old dolls. We stood by the showcases and gasped things like "Ooh, look, look!! That's the doll I played with! And that's the same dress! And hey, I had one of those too!!". I think the staff at the museum were very amused seeing two young girls so excited about old dolls... :P
And well, since I was in Germany, I had to try a beer even though I usually don't like it. I tasted a beer from Trier (Trierer Löwebrau) and that wasn't all that bad. I was even able to finish my glass! ;) But then I changed back to wine again.

The last thing we saw before we left the town was the Trier Cathedral. This cathedral is the host of the Holy Tunic, i.e. the robe that accordning to the tradition was worn by Jesus when he died.

But well, perhaps it's enough about Trier now, let's move on to Luxembourg! :)
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