...And now I don't know where to start! *lol* But anyway... I had a few lessons, including one exam in italian which was really easy. And in the evening I had, I think, the most interesting lesson so far over here in Paris. The cours is about France of Louis XIV, i.e. the Sun King, and this time the porfessor talked about the nobles and the court including why and how they built castles, their hobbies and amusements and also their clothing. And I love the professor! He's not stiff at all, but very relaxed and even makes jokes and tells us funny stories related to the historical facts he's lecturing about. Really a great personality!
Then I also spent some time in the library looking for - believe it or not - a subject for my pro gradu! I know! It's crazy! I don't know where it came from, but I suddently decided I want to get it over with so I started thinking about possible subjects I could write about. And I did find one very interesting book that I've been reading a bit. I hope I find something in it.
There, in the middle of all this studying I also had time to go for lunch to the university restaurant with Sophie. And we ended up comparing the UniCafé in Helsinki and the one over here, and we both agreed on that this one is almost better. You always get loads of vegetables and then you can compose your dinner almost however you want! If you want, you can for example take a dessert or a fruit with the main meal. So I guess that's one thing I'm almost going to miss when I get back home :)
Then me and Liss also went to explore a whole new part of Paris, the 17th arrondissement. It wasn't that special, actually, but it was still fun. We did find an interesting church and some nice parks like this one:

On the way to the metro after my last lesson yesterday I also walked by a shop that had displayed in their window almost the exact summerdress I've been looking for this whole spring here in Paris! Finally! I was already almost sure I wouldn't find anything. I didn't by it yet, though, since it was getting so late, but I guess I have to stop by there tomorrow... And hope that the price isn't too high :)
What else? Oh yeah, maybe the best part. I also discovered a new finnish band with such lovely music! Sometimes Facebook is really good for something since it was there I found the link to this page where you can listen to some of their songs: http://profile.myspace.com/happygoluckyband
And I just love the name they've chosen for the band! Happy-Go-Lucky! How great isn't that?! :D And the music! So... positive! It makes me feel happy :) And that's what's important in music for me. To make you feel something. Especially to make you feel good. You know, I even have engraved on my iPod the following quote: "Music is what feelings sound like". It really is. Don't you think? And perhaps that's also the answer to the question why so many people love music and listen to it all the time. I mean, everyone do that! It's amazing. Not a single speach could capture the attention of people as well as music can. I'm so fascinated. Really. Wow.
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